Étienne Deparis' Unofficial Archlinux User Repository

Prebuilt Archlinux packages for some personal projects and other softwares I regularly use.

This repository and its packages are signed using my GPG key. To add it to the pacman keyring, use the following command:

sudo pacman-key --recv-keys 2EBD3E9457B6316DBD100ABCA714ECAC8C9CEE3D

Then, you need to give trust to the previously imported key.

sudo pacman-key --lsign-key 2EBD3E9457B6316DBD100ABCA714ECAC8C9CEE3D

From time to time, you may receive an error while updating your packages that my GPG key can not be trusted any more. In that case, just try to update it first (keyserver.ubuntu.com is known to be stable and up-to-date):

sudo pacman-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 2EBD3E9457B6316DBD100ABCA714ECAC8C9CEE3D

Finally, add the following lines to your /etc/pacman.conf file to setup this repository.

Server = https://archlinux.umaneti.net/$arch

Available packages


v2.26-2PKGBUILD — My own flavor of Alpine Email Program, including maildir, fancy thread, fill paragraph, long URL and new compose commands patches.
8.0.2-29 - AUR - Red Hat Icons from Fedora 10.
v0.8.2-6AURSRC — A python graphical and terminal EncFS front-end.
v0.7.2-3AURSRC — A tiny automatic wallpaper changer, written in python.
v5.0-3AURSRC — A small utility to maintain SSH config files.
v0.6.1-1AURSRC — An opinionated static website generator for Emacs Org mode.
v0.8.1-1AURSRC — A lightweight internet radio player.
v2.2.1-2PKGBUILD — My own flavor of liquidprompt, including all default themes, plus my own theme.
v1.1-1SRC — A Qualitative and Usable Aur paCKage helper.
v0.9-4PKGBUILD — My own flavor of Simple Terminal, including dracula color theme, Inconsolata LGC font, forcing dark window decoration and ignoring some TMUX related CSI.


Featured packages dependencies

v0.2.10-8AUR — A carp dependency.
v1.3.0-2PKGBUILD — A dependency for st — Monospace font for pretty code listings and for the terminal, with Cyrillic and Greek support, and autohint disabled.
v5.5.1-1AUR — A dependency for fronde — Liquid markup language. Safe, customer facing template language for flexible web apps.

Written by Étienne Deparis with Emacs 29.4 (Org mode 9.7.15), and published with Fronde 0.6.1

Last modification on mardi, décembre 24, 2024 at 09:11
